API Playground

Last Updated: Jun 17, 2024
documentation for the dotCMS Content Management System

The API Playground is a tool that allows users to browse, explore, and try out dotCMS's REST APIs. Powered by Swagger, the API Playground exposes all API endpoints, and provides a convenient testbed to perform queries.

Introduced in dotCMS 22.08, this feature can be found via the admin panel by browsing to Dev Tools → API Playground.

The API Playground displays the content it finds in a JSON file located at /api/openapi.json, which is compiled on the basis of the OpenAPI specification.

API Playground menu location.


Opening the API Playground takes you to a page with a series of expandable panels, each one representing a single HTTP method for a single REST API endpoint.

API Playground initial view.

Expanding any panel gives various details about the specific call, including applicable parameters, schemata, example values, etc.

View of expanded endpoint panel.

Each will also have a “Try it out” button, which transforms the panel to include input fields and an Execute button to submit. This allows you to execute API calls from the traditional interface, with helpful guideposts.

View of expanded endpoint panel in "try it out" mode.

Further Development

This feature will be receiving increasing documentary focus going forward, to expand and enhance the available descriptions, organization, examples, etc.

A version of the API Playground was recently added to dotCMS's documentation. Please note that this page uses the dotCMS Demo Site's endpoint definitions; it may occasionally be slow to load if the Demo site is under heavy load from public user operations.

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